Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Holy Family Catholic Primary School

To work, to pray, to play in the Light of the Lord

  1. Archive
  2. Year Group Pages Archive 20/21
  3. Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

     Miss Fletcher  

Miss Fryer 



Take a look at some of the things we are learning in Year 2! 

For home learning work please see the Year 2 home learning page. 



Year 2 - Green Bubble (Yr1 Yr2 Yr3) 

 Gates open - 8:45 - 9:00.      Hometime - 3:15 

PE - Tuesdays and Wednesday (Children to come in wearing their PE kits).
Reading books - sign your child's reading record. This will be changed weekly.
Homework - Handed out on Friday and expected back in by the following Wednesday.                                                                                                                                             Water - Please ensure your child has a water bottle. We cannot let them use school cups anymore. 

Year 2 Nativity  (14.12.2020)

We have been unable to join with Year 1 for our annual Nativity due to social distancing rules. However, this hasn't stopped us from creating our own mini nativity with our year group. Take a look at our class nativity below. We hope you enjoy it! 

Please do not share the following pictures or video on social media. 

Year 2 School Council: 

Ariam and Kian

Writer of the month! 

Each month before school closed two children were selected from each class as the Writers of the month! 

September- Betty and Harrison

November - Ariam and Hazel

December - Chidubem and Ariam

Buttons (our class elf) has loved having so many visitors in class this week (14.12.2020) 


Autumn 1

Muck Mess & Mixtures (Art Focus): 

We started last term with Muck Mess & Mixtures which focusses lots on art. In English the children  used Mr Messy's story to help them understand the basic structure of a story (opening, build up, problem, resolution and ending). During writing children are reminded to use their phonics and to punctuate their sentences. We looked at describing different Mr Men using adjectives and verbs.   In Maths we focussed on place value. The children have looked at identifying and making two digit numbers using base 10.  In Science we focussed on properties of Materials. The children identified, labelled and sorted different materials into groups. For Art we experimented with different painting skills. The children created pictures by mixing paints together and using a paint brush to create patterns. They have also created pictures using bubble paint! We also learnt about the artists Carl Warner and Vincent Van Gogh. 


RE: The chosen people 

We looked at and compared the story of Abraham and Moses. We learnt about the jobs God asked Moses and Abraham to do and why God trusted them with these jobs.


Maths pictures 


In Maths we used Base 10 to help us identify the place value of two digit numbers: 

Art pictures

7.9.2020 - In Art we mixed different colour paints together and used a paint brush to create rainbows. 

10.9.2020-Bubble painting! 


English - To follow a recipe to make a jam sandwich. During this lesson we identified key features of a recipe before following the recipe to make a jam sandwich. It was great fun! 

Autumn 2 

The Great Fire of London (History and Geography linked) 

In this topic we learnt about The Great Fire of London.  In Geography we identified four countries and cities of the UK. We compared were London is to Leeds and looked at different modes of transport we could take to go to London. In History we compared how buildings were built across the UK before The Great Fire of London and how  they have changed overtime. In English we looked at diary writing and identified  key skills of diary writing. We also looked at key skills in letter writing. We wrote diary entries and letters about The Great Fire of London. In Maths we continued to look at adding and subtracting using the column method. We also looked at measuring using standard units (cm/kg/m). In Science we continued identifying different materials and their properties. 




In this topic we had the opportunity to look at and reflect on mysteries. We shared our thoughts about heaven, what The Trinity represents, learnt about the story of the Annunciation and learnt about the birth of Jesus.


Take  a look at some of the fun things we have been doing in class in Autumn 2 term: 

Science - We had so much fun testing different materials to find out which material was appropriate for a teabag. 

ICT- We have learnt how to login to a laptop, open n the internet and how to access our school home learning page.  30.11.2020

Recipe writing - We have baked lots of yummy treats to help us understand how to follow and write a recipe. 

Spring 1 (Home learning) 

Castles and Turrets  (History focus):

In this topic we have recapped story writing and look at skills needed to write a traditional tale. We used a castle for our settings to our stories. In Maths we looked at the value of money and how to pay and give change. In Science we looked at Animals Including Humans. During this topic we learnt how to keep  our bodies healthy through a balanced diet and moderate exercise. 

RE: The Good News .

 In RE will learnt about how Jesus can turn sadness to joy in stories like, Th e Ten Lepers and The Feeding of the 5000. We used art to help us retell our stories. 


Spring 2 (Home Learning)

Pirates (History/Geography link):

This term out topic is Pirates! We will look at what pirates are and how they travel on the sea (children could dress up as pirates over zoom when we research them!). For History we will look at the lives of significant individuals (sea explorers) and how they have influenced us today. In Geography we will recap reading maps an learn about the 7 continents of the world. In Science we will look at Plants (labelling plants/growing plants).
In English we will look at the skills needed to write a non-chronological report. We will use our topic learning on Pirates to write a report about a pirate. After the non-chronological writing we will move onto to letter writing.
In Maths we will look at 2D and 3D shapes. We will name and label different shapes and identify the shape properties. After shape we will look at fractions and how to find a fraction of a number using the bar model method. 


World book day! 
