Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Holy Family Catholic Primary School

To work, to pray, to play in the Light of the Lord

  1. Year Group Pages
  2. Year 1

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 with Miss Coyne, Miss Tefani and Mrs Burrow.  Miss Gibbons works with us on a Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon.

Half Term 6:


In Maths this week we have been looking at Position and Direction. We have been learning which way is left and which way is right. We used a popular song to help us called the "Cha Cha Slide". We then incorporated moving left and right and added forwards and backwards. The children had lots of fun using these directions around the MUGA pitch. 


In our R.E. topic this half term we are looking at Miracles and how Jesus performed his first miracle at the Wedding of Cana where he turned water into wine. We did some role play in small groups, using water and juice to create the wine colour. 

Half term 5:


Our Science topic this half term is looking at how 'Plants' grow as well as looking at a variety of plants. Year 1 went on a trip to RHS Harlow Carr and learnt the parts of a plant; the roots, the stem, the leaf and the flower.  We also looked inside a seed and learnt what a seed needs to grow.  We wore costumes and did some role play before planting our own seeds.  We are going to watch these grow at school throughout the half term!


Our topic this term is 'Resurrection.' We have been looking at the symbols of Easter and what each one represents. We did some activities on the symbols and really enjoyed using the playdough to make these symbols. We then started to look at the story of when Jesus appears to his Disciples after he had risen. We had lots of discussions about how the Disciples might have felt at the time and how other people would have reacted when they found out Jesus had returned. 


We have been looking at measurement. We started by looking at what 'full', 'nearly full', 'half full', 'nearly empty' and 'empty' looks like in containers with water. We then compared two containers to see which container had 'more' or 'less' water in them. Then we discussed and looked at which material is best to use when measuring, water, sand or multi-link cubes!


In P.E. this term we are lucky to have a coach teaching us some Tennis skills. We have been playing lots of different games to help us. Each week we get to work with a partner and learn how to use a Tennis Racket and try to hit the ball that our partner throws for us. 

Half Term 4:


Our topic this term is 'Following Jesus'. We have been discussing and looking at Jesus' journey that he takes with his disciples and how he teaches them to pray.  We began to look at Palm Sunday and the importance this has during his journey through Holy Week. 


This term we have been using percussion instruments such as drums, triangle, shakers and more to create different effects for different weathers. 


This term our History topic is 'Marks and Spencer'.  We went on a trip to the Marks and Spencer Archives in Leeds to deepen our knowledge and get a better understanding of how Marks and Spencer started as a market stall called a Penny Bazaar. We found it interesting that Mark Spencer sold items a 1, 2 or 3 penny. We got to try on some clothes in the past before going shopping in the Penny Bazaar. We will continue to talk about what we have learnt back in our classroom.  

World Book Day:

We had lots of fun dressing up as our favourite characters. We designed a book cover for our favourite stories and made some bookmarks for when we do our reading. We also enjoyed listening to a story from Red Crayon (Miss Brown)!       


This term we are continuing with addition and subtraction up to 50. We have been counting backwards using tens frames and counters to help. We have started doing this with 20 but will be able to use this method to help us with bigger numbers. 

Half Term 3:


This term we are using our key text 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' to help us focus on our sentence structure. When we are writing we need to remember, our capital letters, fingers spaces and full stops. 


This term we are looking at Place Value of numbers up to 20. We have been doing lots of activities to help us with our counting. We played a game of Snakes and Ladders, to help with our counting. We rolled the dice to move our counter forwards to the corresponding number. To do this we put the number we were on in our head, used our fingers for the amount of spaces and counted the numbers till we got to where we needed to be. 


This term we are looking at the Pulse and Rhythm within our music. We started by singing a nursery rhyme that we all know called 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' to show the rhythm. We then got some claves out. One side of the class used the claves to show rhythm while the other side of the class were doing the pulse. 


Our topic this term is 'Families and Celebrations'.  We have been thinking about who is in our family and discussing how everyones family is different but knowing this is ok. We also began to think where else we might have a family. We drew some pictures of our family at home and at school. We then had a discussion around 'God Our Father in Heaven', and started discussing how God is part of our family too.


This term we are looking at ways we can be healthy. During our first session, we discussed and tasted some different kinds of fruit such as blueberries and raspberries. We then added the fruit to some milk to make a fruit smoothie which we got to taste. We have looked in detail at what food we think is healthy and not so healthy. We have started looking at other ways to keep our body healthy by doing lots of different exercises and games.

Half Term 2:


This term our topic is 'Mary, Our Mother'.  We have been looking at the story of the birth of Jesus and the moment when the Shepherds and the Wise Men came to visit. We acted out part of the story when Angel Gabriel came to visit Mary to deliver a special message from God. We also used costumes to role play when the Shepherds and the Wise Men came to visit baby Jesus when he was born. 


We have started our new topic for this half term looking at 'The Gunpowder Plot'.  We were introduced to a picture of Guy Fawkes, we came up with ideas of what we thought his job might have been and why it looked like a person from the past. We then started to look at how 'The Gunpowder Plot' started and why we celebrate bonfire night. We were given masks to act as Guy Fawkes and the Plotters. 


Some student teachers came to deliver a P.E. lesson which was based around the storybook 'We're going on a bear hunt'. There were lots of different obstacles which related to the story.  At the end we got to play with a parachute and try to escape from the bear. 


In Music we are starting to look at musical instruments and their names. We enjoyed using the tambourine to tap out our name and to explore the different ways the instruments work. We also showed good listening by placing the instrument in front of us until we were allowed to touch them. 

Half Term 1:


We have really enjoyed learning about 'God's Great Plan' and listening to the story of Creation.  We painted some wonderful pictures and enjoyed sharing what we thought of the story.

English & Geography:

We read 'Martha Maps It Out' which is a fabulous book!  We loved looking at all of the different maps she drew, especially the map of her street.