Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Holy Family Catholic Primary School

To work, to pray, to play in the Light of the Lord

  1. Year Group Pages
  2. Year 2
  3. Year 2 Catholic Life and Mission

Year 2 Catholic Life 

Worship: Wednesday 16th October 2024

This afternoon in Year 2 we shared a class Worship and listened to a story from the bible about how a miracle happened and 2 fishes and 5 loaves were shared between 5000 people. We then talked about which virtues we think were in the story.

’Kindness’ Emily

‘Love’ Eliana

’Charity’ Matthias

We then talked a little more about how we can show these virtues throughout school, at home and in our community.

’How can we show kindness, love and charity?’ Miss Gibbons

’Keep our hands to ourselves’ Eduard

‘By tidying up’ Elim

’Helping our friends if they’ve fallen over’ Alfie.S

’I showed love to my brother by helping him up when he fell over’ Simer

’We sold lightbulbs in school to help Father Neil’ Dayan

’Raising money for the Little Sisters’ Matthias

’Having a bun sale, playing bingo, selling toast’ Anna, Amelia, Alfie.L

’Collecting food for Harvest, to give to people who need it’ Perpetual

’I once gave money to a man who was sitting on the floor outside a shop so he could buy some food’ Martha

We then finished our Worship by saying a prayer and promising to try show our class virtue of Love and Charity within school, at home and in the community.

 Collection for Harvest: Monday 7th October 2024

Last week our school Chaplaincy Team spoke to us in assembly about helping with a food collection for Harvest Festival. They asked if everyone could bring in some dried/tinned food which we can then donate to Church and Charity to help people who are struggling to buy food. 

Some of our children in Year 2 have already brought in food to donate which is fantastic and they told us that it’s important to help people who cannot buy food so that they are not hungry.

Whole school Mass: Wednesday 11th September 2024

This morning we partnered up with Year 5 children and walked down to Church to celebrate Mass with Father Neil for the new school year. 
We sat quietly in church and enjoyed some calm, reflection time together.

Our Class Virtue: Friday 6th September 2024

This week in year 2 we have been learning about our class virtue of Love/Charity. We sat together on the carpet and had a discussion of what we thought Love and Charity meant to us. We then designed some love hearts to represent our virtue to display on our class door.

“ This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” ( John 15:9)

Our Class Assembly: 1st May 2024

We invited the whole school to join us in a May Procession to start our Class Assembly,  We told everyone about how May is the month of Mary and how she taught us how to show bravery.

Thanking God for His Son

This week we spent some time writing our own prayers to God.  We thanked him for His Son.


Holy Week

We started Holy Week by taking part in a wonderful worship with The Mark 10 Mission.  We made palm leaves to wave just like the people did on Palm Sunday.  


Class Mass: Wednesday 20th March

Today we headed down to Church to celebrate Mass with Father Neil, Our Parish and Year 4.  It was lovely to have some calm and quiet reflective time.  When we came back, we chatted about what we noticed and saw in Church.


Our Class Assembly: Wednesday 13th March

We shared our assembly to our families and the whole school all about Mother's Day.  We were so brave and spoke in beautiful, clear voices.  We told everyone about how special Mary is as a mother to us all and lead everyone in the Hail Mary.


Key Stage One Lenten Bingo

Year 1 and 2 hosted a very special Lenten fundraiser by playing Bingo at lunchtime.  It was so nice to come inside and escape the cold to play.  We raised a fantastic total of £63.96!


Class Worship: Tuesday 20th February 2024

We had a very calm Worship this afternoon in class.  We read the story of how Jesus Calmed the Storm and thought about how when our life gets really busy, we can think about our faith and remember that Jesus is always there to help us.  Some of us read our prayers from our Prayer Books which we had written in our own time which was very thoughtful.


The Start of Lent: Monday 19th February 2024

Today we prepared our classroom for Lent.  We changed our prayer cloth to purple and watched a short video clip about '40' to help us understand that Jesus spent 40 days and nights in the desert.  After this we then wrote our own Lenten Promises. 

Class Virtue Worship: Monday 8th January 2024

Today Year 2 talked some more about their class Virtue Love/Charity. We spoke about how we can show love to each other.  Some of us suggested that we could...

Open the door for each other.

Give people a smile everyday.

Tell people they have made you happy.

Class Worship: Tuesday 12th December 2023

As part of our Class Worship today, we lit the second candle of our Advent Wreath.  We spoke about how the second candle means Peace and what this means for us.  It was nice to have some quiet reflective time when we are so busy.

November Mass : Wednesday 15th November 2023

Today Year 2 and Year 4 walked down to church for Mass with Father Neil. Year 4 sat next to us and helped us read the words from the booklet. We enjoyed listening to the Year 4 children leading the Mass. 

Remembrance Day Worship: Friday 10th November 2023

We shared a very calm and thoughtful Class Worship this morning.  We brought our prayers together and shared them and thought about why we remember.

Remembrance: Monday 6th November 2023

Today we created poppies to hang in our classroom to help us remember that November is the month of Remembrance.  We spoke about how we can remember the soldiers and how we can also remember our friends and family who may have sadly died.  We will use these poppies during our worships this month.


Harvest Fundraising : 10th October 2023
Here are just some of our Year 2 children who have kindly donated food to be sent to the Leeds homeless street Aid. 

Class Virtue Design: 29th September 2023

We loved getting to create a design to represent our Class Virtue of Love/Charity! 

Class Virtue: 27th September 2023

Today Year 2 enjoyed designing their own their own key ring as part of their Class Virtue Love/Charity. They then got to take these home. 

Start of the Year Mass: 13th September 2023

We walked down the Church to celebrate Mass with Father Neil for the new school year.  We walked down with Year 5 and they sat next to us to us read the words in the booklet.  When we came back from Mass we had a really good chat about the things we noticed.


Our Class Virtue: 4th September 2023

“ This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” ( John 15:9)

We started the new school year by exploring our Class Virtue of Love/Charity.  We shared love hearts with each other and spoke about how it made us feel to be told these wonderful things.  We look forward to learning more about our Virtue this year.

Mission Day: 10th July 2023

We had the best day ever celebrating Mission Day.  We spoke about how we are always following our mission at school of 'To Work, To Pray, To Play in the Light of the Lord'.  We decorated our own crosses which Father Neil then blessed, we played with Year 3 and worked on what we thought love meant.



Our Class Assembly: 21st June 2023

We shared a wonderful assembly with the school and our families all about Father's Day.  We told people about Abraham and how he is our father in faith.

Spreading The Good News: 16th May 2023

As part of our R.E. lesson today about Pentecost, we went out to share The Good News just like the disciples did!  We made sure everyone in our school community heard us.

Our Class Assembly: 3rd May 2023

Today was our first Class Assembly of the year.  It was all about the coronation of King Charles iii and we shared a gospel from Matthew about how we can all shine our lights brightly.


Monday 20th March 2023
Lenten Walk

 Today year 2 took part in ‘The Big Lent Walk’ to raise money for CAFOD. We had a lovely walk around Golden Acre Park and even got to see some wild birds and lots of squirrels along the way. 

Friday 24th February 2023

Today in year 2 we have been preparing for the season of lent. Mrs Walsh chose a prayer table monitor to change our prayer table cloth from green to purple and we also wrote our Lenten promises.

Brody My Lenten promise is to open the door for my mum.

Emma - My Lenten promise is to look after my cousin.

Oren - My Lenten promise is to say thank you after eating my dinner.

Friday 3rd February 2023

Virtues Day

Today in Year 2 we have been learning about the virtue love and charity and what it means to show love to one another.
Mrs Walsh gave us all some love heart stickers to give to people and share something kind about what we love about them.

Mrs Walsh - “How does that make you feel?”

Mikolaj - “I feel special”

Charlotte- “I feel thankful”

Julia - “ I feel happy and surprised”

We then designed our own love hearts and wrote what we can do to show love. We shared these with the school in our assembly.

“ This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” ( John 15:9)