Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Holy Family Catholic Primary School

To work, to pray, to play in the Light of the Lord

  1. Year Group Pages
  2. Year 2

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 with Mrs Walsh, Miss Fryer and Miss Gibbons.


Half Term 6


Despite it being very cold, we adored our trip to Filey!  We got an ice-cream, played on the sand and even paddled in the sea.  We noticed how the sea was going further away and spoke about 'tides' and enjoyed looking at the different shops.


We have been working on creating a non-chronological report about how to keep our beaches clean.  We gathered information from our class text 'What a Waste' and read these to our partner to 'fact check' we had got the information from the text.



Sports Day:

We loved Sports Day.  We all so exhausted by the end of it we stopped making noise!



Art & Design:

We have been learning how to create texture using paint.  We used different tools to create the texture of a cabbage.  We also used collage and paint to create the effect of sand.



KS1 Sports Competition:

Some of us were lucky enough to be chosen to represent our school at a Sports Competition.  We had such fun in sun!



We thought about who our neighbours are and linked it to the story of The Good Samaritan.  We also linked it back to our Class Virtue of Love and how Jesus told us to Love one another as he loved us.


Healthy Week:

We loved doing some Yoga with Mrs Burrow as part of Healthy Week.  It was nice to have some calm time and stretch.  



We started our new topic of 'The Church is Born' by looking at the story of Pentecost.  We did our favourite activity where we become artists and tell the story through a painting.



We have been looking at directions and checking we can use words like 'up', 'down', 'forwards', 'backwards', 'left' and 'right'.  We gave each other directions and had to make sure our partners didn't bang into anything.


Half Term 5


As part of our work on George's Marvellous Medicine, we started creating our own 'medicines' using lots of different things!  We had to decide how much of each bottle we should put in and then wrote this down.


NRM Trip:

We had so much fun on our trip.  We loved looking at old trains and comparing them.  




We had so much fun learning some new songs with Miss Lee.



Our topic this half term is 'How transport changed over the reign of Queen Elizabeth ii'.  We had a look at analysing some photo sources and noticed that she could drive a car.



We have started learning about 'Fractions' and spent some time looking at cutting shapes in half.



We started our new topic of 'Eastertide' by reflecting on how Peter felt at different times during Jesus' final hours.  Some of us sat at the front and acted out what Peter might have said at the Last Supper.  We chatted about how sad Peter must have felt when he denied Jesus then wrote our own ideas in our R.E. books.



The heavy rain didn't stop us from our exercise!  We quickly found a free hall slot and got to work playing games. 



Half Term 4


We had an amazing visit from Science Boffins during Science week.  Our special visitor showed us how to make ice-cream using dry ice.  We had to mix it very carefully before we could eat it.



In D.T. we are preparing to make our very own Moving Monster!  We started by learning how to create a linkage using levers and pivots.




Katie and Abi from The Skipping School came into school to help prepare us for our every exciting skipping competition in the Summer.  



We learnt about what 'landmarks' are and compared photos of landmarks from York and New York.  We noticed that the buildings in New York were bigger than the buildings in York.



We have been looking at the Last Supper and how we hear the words Jesus said, in Mass with Father Neil.  As part of our work on the story, we looked at some paintings before creating our own.



We are learning how to write a non-chronological report in our English lessons.  We chose our favourite continent and then spent some time carrying out our own research.  We looked at maps and used atlases to help us.




We have started the Half Term by looking at Money.  We had a big chat about why we need money and how we use it.  We then played a matching game with our partner.



Half Term 3


As part of our work on 'Explorers' we have been looking at Amelia Earhart.  We analysed some photographic sources of evidence and noticed how lots of people in the pictures wore hats.  We also noticed that Amelia had a special outfit on for flying.



We have started learning about Multiplication and making arrays.  We worked with a partner and used counters to do this.



We have been enjoying learning how to create Graphic Scores with Miss Lee.



We have been loving learning about Dance this half term.  We are making a dance up to 'I Just Can't Wait to be King' from The Lion King.  



We thanked God for our bodies today.  We drew around a body and labelled it. 



We have started reading our new text, 'Flat Stanley' and are really enjoying reading about his adventures.  We have also learnt about similes and spent some time using them to describe settings.



We started our new R.E. topic of 'The Good News' by learning about the story of 'The Feeding of the 5000'.  We love to paint at school so we had great fun retelling this story with paint.



Half Term 2


We had a visit from Firefighter Dunn to learn all about her job.  She was amazing and we learnt so many things from her.  Lots of us are now interested in joining the fire service when we grow up.



We carried on with our exchanging work today when learning about adding using the column method.




We have been working so hard on our subtracting skills and learning how to exchange 10 ones for 1 ten.  We love using the Base10 equipment and working with a partner to work on our skills.




We chatted about our new topic 'Mysteries' and started by thinking about questions we had about the world.  We then painted our questions to share with each other.




We started our new topic of The Great Fire of London by ordering the key events.  This activity really helped us to understand what happened in the fire and just how big it was.


Half Term 1


We had great fun consolidating our work by creating our own globes.




We have really been enjoying our P.E. lessons.  We have loved getting our bodies all warmed up by dancing and playing games.


Art & Design:

We have been looking at using different craft techniques to make maps.  We used a stained glass window effect to create these maps!



Year 2 have made a super start to the new school year.  In R.E. we have been listening to the story of The Lost Sheep and talking about how we are so special and chosen by God.



We have also started our Geography topic of 'Where Can I Sail To?'.  We really enjoyed looking at Atlases to find out information about Europe.