Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Holy Family Catholic Primary School

To work, to pray, to play in the Light of the Lord

  1. Year Group Pages
  2. Reception



Welcome to Reception

 Miss Brown, Mrs Gibbons, Miss Marshall and Miss Lazar work here.


PE - Thursday (children to come into school wearing PE kit). 

Reading Record - We check Reading Records Monday/Wednesday/Friday so please make sure your child has it in school on those days. We will change books once a week on a Friday. 

Mystery Readers - We invite you into our setting to share a story with your child's class. The children have been loving mystery readers on a Thursday. They get very excited when one of our parents walk into the classroom. Please email me for further detail. 


Our Shared Area:

Wednesday 19th June 2024

This afternoon Foundation Stage children took part in our sports afternoon, we had lots of fun taking part in different races and cheering our friends on. Lots of our grown ups came to watch us racing and we ended the afternoon having picnics with our families.


Each week your child will continue to bring home a new reading book containing the sounds they have learnt that week in school. It is essential that you read with your child daily and leave a comment in their reading record.

Please return your child’s reading pack to school every day.

Every Friday the new taught sounds will be added to their phonics pack for them to continue to practice at home.

Please see the video below which shows how your children learn to pronounce each sound in school, please feel free to have a read through the parent information slide which will give you a little bit of information of how phonics is taught in Reception class.

Science Week!

This week we celebrated science week, in foundation stage we looked at ice and how water transforms. We started the week off with a science assembly where we got to watch lots of cool experiments. We explored what happens to an ice pop when we put it in the freezer and then when it was frozen we did our own experiment to see whether it would melt quicker inside on the radiator or outside in the garden.

We took part in lots of amazing activities including ice painting, playing with polar animals and ice cubes and even had the chance to have ice creams.


World Book Day!

Today we celebrated World book day, the children came to school dressed up as their favourite book characters. We shared lots of stories and enjoyed having some buddy time with our year 6 friends.

Stay and Play! (Tuesday 24/11/2023

Term 4

In phonics we review taught sounds. 

We will also recap our harder to read words. Please see phonics video for more information. 


In maths we will conintue our learning of number sto 10. We will focus on 8 and talk about 8 being an even number. We will compare other numbers with 8 and identify if they are even/odd. We will also recap 2D and 3D shapes.  


In RE we will continue to learn new stories about Jesus. We have recently changed our prayer table cloth to purple to represent lent. We will learn about what lent is and what we are building up to. 

In provision to prepare us for Science week we can take on the role of a scientist and explore different minibeasts in our minibeast lab. This term we learn about different types of minibeasts and how to look after God's creatures. 

Term 3

In phonics we will learn 

oo, ar, ur, oo, or ow, ear, air, ure er and ow. 


In maths we have looked at number 6, 7 and 8. We looked at using a numberline to identify one more and one less than a given number. We will also looked at 3D shapes and named them. 


In RE we continued to get to know Jesus. In our first story we learnt about Jesus getting lost in the temple. 


In provision we had opportunities to dress as pirates (linked to our pirate theme), we read maps, followed maps and created maps. We may even use the art area to create treasure or the sand area to bury treasure. 

Term 2

In phonics we have learnt the sounds: 

j, v, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, nk, ai, ee, igh, oa


In maths we have looked at numbers to 4. We have used maths equipment to find ways of making different numbers, learnt what numberbonds are, identified 2D shapes and we have started learning about repeated patterns.  We have also moved onto learning all about number 5. 


In RE we have been learning all about our families and God's family. We have talked about the prayer table cloth changing from green to purple because we are preparing for the birth of Christ. We have also been busy rehearsing our nativity. 


In provision we have looked at making patterns, explored ways of preparing for Christmas and wrote Christmas cards. We have also had a lot of fun outside making patterns with the frost and snow. We talked about why it is so cold and made links to the different seasons.  

Term 1 

Phonics grapheme's taught this term: 

s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, ss, h, b, f, l, ff, ll 


Take a look at how we learn through play: 

Friday 20th October 2023


This morning Reception class had lots of fun getting outside in the rain and splashing in the puddles, we added lots of different coloured powder paint to the puddles and the children loved splashing while also identifying the colours.