Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Holy Family Catholic Primary School

To work, to pray, to play in the Light of the Lord

  1. Year Group Pages
  2. Year 3
  3. Year 3 Catholic Life and Mission

Year 3 Catholic Life and Mission

Harvest Time 

In celebration of the Harvest Festival, year 3 learnt all about how there are people in the country and Leeds who struggle to afford food during a whole school worship. Due to this some children in Year 3 donated lots of food to go towards a charity ( Leeds Homeless Street Aid). This showed how our year 3 children showed kindness and generosity.

Our class virtue 2024-2025- Forgiveness

Our class virtue in Year 3 is Forgiveness. We discussed and learnt all about what it means to forgive, and how we can show forgiveness. We created 'forgiving hands' by drawing and writing ways we can show forgiveness to decorate our classroom door.


20th May 2024- Changing the cloth 

Today, we changed our cloth from yellow back to green, as we have left the period of Easter. We welcomed ordinary time, by changing our class altar.
Joshua- “ we have changed our cloth, because we are back in ordinary time”

1st May- Worshipping Mary

Today, Year 2 invited us down to join in with their worship to Mary, Our Mother. Lots of children brought in flowers to present to Mary during their worship.

8th April 2024- Changing of the cloth for Easter tide 

Some of our year 3 children changed our cloth on our prayer table to yellow, this is to symbolise that we have entered the Easter period.

Samrawi- “ we change it to celebrate Easter and to show we are now in spring”

15th March 2024- Visiting the stations of the cross 

In Year 3 today we visited the 5th station of the cross, which showed us Simon of Cyrene helping Jesus by carrying his cross. We spoke about friendship and how Simon showed he was a kind and good friend to Jesus. We finished by writing prayers about friendship and how we in year 3 can be good friends to others.

Year 3 and 4 Lenten Fundraiser 

In Year 3 and 4, we raised money for lent to go towards Little Sisters. We did a bun sale at break time, children brought in buns to help with the bun sale. We raised a brilliant total of £183.18!

26th February 2024- Assembly from Little Sisters 

Today, Sister Christina from ‘Little Sisters’ visited our school.  She talked all about the damaged roof that needed repairing at Little Sisters.  We told her all about our Lenten fundraising that we are doing in school and she was very happy to hear that all the money, we raise will be given to Little Sisters to help them.

19th February 2024- Changing of the cloth for Lent 

As Lent began on the 14th February, our worship monitor changed our prayer table cloth from green to purple.

Pawlos “ it’s changed to purple to show that it’s time for Lent”

Gerald “ Lent is about giving up something for a period of time just like Jesus did”

13th December 2023 - Mass with Year 6 

Today, we attended Mass with Year 6.  Some of our class members read out bidding prayers for the first time! We had a lovely service with Father Neil and enjoyed walking down with our friends in Year 6. 

4th December 2023- The changing of the altar 

As we have approached the advent and the Christmas period. In Year 3 we changed our cloth and prayer table from green to purple to represent the season of advent, as advent began on the 3rd of December.

Gerald - “it’s not ordinary time anymore and it’s time for advent”

29th November 2023- Year 3 Assembly about Advent 

Today, year 3 performed an assembly all about advent and the preparation leading up to Christmas. Some children read out their Advent Promises for the upcoming period.  Year 3 performed a song all about Jesus being born on Christmas Day. The children had fun!

10th November 2023- Remembrance 

This month, we have been looking at why November is important and why we should remember. We realised how thankful we are. Some of the Year 3 children have brought in some beautiful artwork from home for our Remembrance Day display.

Julia - “my picture shows how I like to remember”

Alex - “it represents loving others and loving people in the wars” 

12th October 2023- Harvest time

After a reading from the parable and learning about The Feeding of the 5000 in R.E.
Some of our amazing children in Year 3 donated food to help those in need, in celebration of the Harvest Festival. We learnt that some people can struggle for food, and need help. The children collected food to give to a charity ‘ Leeds Homeless Street Aid’.

10th October 2023- Being kind

Zuzanna collected everyone’s belongings from the cloakroom to help her friends at the end of the day.  When we asked why, she said she “wanted to be kind and help everyone”.

5th October 2023- Helping Others 

These two members of Year 3 did a good deed today at school. They went to collect all the lunch boxes for their friends in Year 3. This shows kindness.

Gerald- “ I wanted to be kind”

4th October 2023- Work from home

 At home, Zuzanna wrote a lovely prayer all about the virtues we have been learning about in Year 3.

3rd October- Virtue - Thankfulness

In Worship today, we focused on the virtue Thankfulness.  After a reading from the Bible, we talked about what we are thankful for in Year 3 and wrote down prayers about how we are thankful. 

29th September 2023 - Virtues afternoon 

We spent time as a class reflecting on our class virtue forgiveness.  We decorated our key rings and drew pictures that represented the virtue of forgiveness.


10th July 2023 - Mission Day

We had the best day ever celebrating Mission Day.  We spoke about how we are always following our mission at school of '

To Work, To Pray, To Play in the Light of the Lord'. 

We worked together on a treasure hunt to spell out the phrase 'Persevere with God'. 

We prayed together and decorated our own crosses which Father Neil then blessed.

We played with Year 2 and worked on what we thought love meant.

Monday 17th April - Resurrection Rocks

Today, children in Year 3 and 4 retold the Easter story for our school and for parents. 

Monday 17th April

Our Prayer Monitors changed our prayer table to reflect that we are now in Eastertide. 

Penny decided to add some flowers to our prayer table to symbolise new life. 

Monday 20th March- Friday 24th March

In Year 3&4, we have been bringing in buns, biscuits, cookies and lots of sweet treats to raise money for our Lenten Fundraising. Some of us did some baking at home too!

Tuesday 21st March

Today, we walked 2 miles around Anglers Country Park to raise money for the BIG Lenten Walk for CAFOD. 

We had an amazing day together! 

Wednesday 8th March 

Today we celebrated Mass with Father Neil. We led the Mass along with Year 4. 

Wednesday 22nd February

Today our prayer monitors changed our prayer table to reflect the season of Lent. 

Virtues Day: 3rd February

Today, we celebrated Virtues Day across school. Virtues are the special gifts we are given from God. Our mission is to use our gifts every day. We are class....


Izabela: 'Forgiveness is when you give someone another chance when they have done something wrong so they can make a fresh start.'

Sammy: 'You let go of your feelings of sadness or anger and you show your love for that person so they can make a change.'

We know that forgiveness is extremely important because some of us are going to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation this year. 

We thought about the different ways we can show forgiveness and made our own forgiving person to help us when we struggle to forgive others. 

We then turned to Jesus and what he taught about forgiveness:

“Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” (Matthew 18:21-22)

14th December - Year 3 and Year 6 

We celebrated Mass with Father Neil today and it was the first time Year 3 have read at the Lectern. Father Neil and Miss Wharton were very proud of them.