Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Holy Family Catholic Primary School

To work, to pray, to play in the Light of the Lord

  1. Year Group Pages
  2. Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 class page!

 Our teachers are: Miss Furlong and Mrs Flanagan

We also have Mrs McHale and Mrs Merdani to support us in class too.

Keep checking here to find out what we have been learning in our lessons.

Leavers 2024!

 What a lovely last day....now it's time to enjoy the holidays before heading off to high school. Your teachers are super proud of everything you have achieved, both academically and personally and we wish you the very best of luck to each and every one of you. Please come back and visit us....we miss you already!

 Leavers Mass 2024.pptxDownload
 leavers photo ppt1.pptxDownload
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Wednesday 17th July

 Thank you, Reception for letting us join your Teddy Bears' Picnic today. We had a lovely time playing with all our buddies and spending our last moments with them before we leave for high school. 

Friday 12th July

Well done girls! Out of 60 teams at the football tournament today, you came 4th! You played fab as a team and showed great sportsmanship! 

Friday 28th June

 Flamingo Land.....you were amazing!!

Wednesday 26th June

 Well done to our children who represented us at the Olympics event at John Charles Centre For Sport. You all gave your very best and your competitive spirit was definitely blazing today!

Tuesday 25th June

 This afternoon, we went to the hall to take part in some active learning in our R.E lesson. We learnt facts about Brother Damian, Mother Teresa, Sylvia Wright, St Francis and Sylvia Day who all had a great impact on others. We thought about how their actions show their beliefs.

Tuesday 11th June

 Well done, girls! Thank you for representing us at the netball tournament today despite not having had many training opportunities. You played great!

Thursday 23rd May

This morning, Hannah from the Leeds United Foundation visited our class for a talk on keeping ourselves safe. She spoke to us about many crimes and incidents that have happened to young people and the consequences that they have now faced. She also spoke to us a lot about keeping ourselves safe when we are online and when using various apps and platforms.

Wednesday 22nd May

 This afternoon, we had a fab session of basketball with our visitors from Leeds Basketball Foundation.

Tuesday 21st May

 What a great morning! We visited Leeds Train Station where we took part in various activities led by Network Rail in partnership with Leeds United. They were promoting rail safety and taught us lots of information about how to keep safe near trains and train lines. We took a turn driving a train in a simulator, saw what a real life train driver cockpit looks like and met the transport police and their dog-in-training, Dexter. We were interviewed by BBC Look North and BBC Radio Leeds so watch and listen out for us!

Thursday 16th May

 Today, Year 6 completed our final SATs paper. The children have worked so hard all year and showed off their knowledge. We are super proud of you all. 

Mrs Flanagan's group celebrated the end of SATs by ripping up all our past practise papers and creating an absolute mess (before tidying every piece up)! It's a good job we are recycling all that paper!

Tuesday 7th May

This afternoon, D-Side Dave visited us. He talked to us about Keeping Safe in relation to drugs and alcohol. We had some great ideas already about how to describe what a drug is, the difference between drugs and medicines, how drugs can affect the body and why people take drugs. He really made us think twice about drinking energy drinks which can contain 14 teaspoonfuls of sugar!! 

Wednesday 2nd May

 This morning, during Guided Reading, we studied a poem called 'The Instructions' a free verse poem written by poet Kate Wakeling. We read it through to practise our fluency and then performed it. Here we are:

Tuesday 9th April

Here we are peer editing. We were reading through each other's writing of our Survivors story introductions and suggesting ways in which we can improve them.

Wednesday 27th March

The Easter bunny came to visit us today and we had such a great time searching for eggs with our reception buddies. 

Monday 25th March

In Geography we have been learning all about natural disasters. We finished off our topic by writing news reports on earthquakes that have happened in the past - here are some of them

Friday 22nd March

 Well done, Year 6!!

Everyone reached the summit of Pen y Ghent and in record time too! The children absolutely loved the climb and were proud of what they had achieved. It was an incredible challenge which will remind them in the future that if they struggle with things or find things difficult, think back to today and persevere! You can do it!

Here we are just reaching the summit!

Wednesday 13th March

 This afternoon, we presented our press conferences. We worked in small groups in role as a press office team member representing either: Pontius Pilate, Roman soldiers, High Priest of the Sanhedrin or Jesus' friends and supporters. Thank you to Maddie for creating mini cameras for our photographers!

Tuesday 12th March

 This morning was super exciting! We had Katya from Science Boffins come into school to do an assembly with us. She showed us lots of different experiments.

Then we had a workshop all about changing states from solid, to a liquid, to a gas. She used dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide) to conduct experiments. We then all made our own ice cream!!

Friday 8th March

We were visited by our local PCSO (Police Community Support Officer) called Andy. He works in and around Armley to make sure that everyone is safe and happy.

We learnt that the age of responsibility is 10 years old. This means that the police can be called if children 10 and over are involved in antisocial behaviour.

You are more likely to be arrested if you are carrying a knife and people who carry knives are also more likely to be injured too.

It is illegal to carry a knife or sharpened object on your person. This includes: broken glass bottles, sharpened sticks etc.

When someone has been injured by a knife, many people are affected such as: the victim’s parents, the perpetrator’s parents, wider family members, their friends, police, paramedics, teachers and the wider community.

 In the year 2020, there were 4091 hospital admissions in England because they had been hurt/injured by a knife.  

Thursday 7th March

 What a fabulous day we had today celebrating World Book Day. We dressed up in lots of fantastic costumes inspired by our favourite book characters and we looked great! Thank you to Miss Furlong for planning today!

Here are some photos:

Wednesday 6th March 

 This afternoon, we held another debate in our R.E lesson.

Who was responsible for Jesus’ death?

We created responsibility pie charts to show who we believe was responsible for Jesus’ death. We thought about the roles of: the crowd, Pontius Pilate, Judas, The Sanhedrin, the soldier with the hammer and even God and Jesus himself! As a class, we then created a debate to show our view points.

Ultimately, most of us voted that God was responsible for Jesus’ death. Some of our reasons included: God sent Jesus to earth to be sacrificed for us and to carry the cross which represents our sins, it was God’s plan all along and God knew that Jesus would do as He wanted.

Wednesday 5th March

 This morning, Will from Rock Steady Music School came to visit us. He held a rocking assembly and then KS2 created their own band! We definitely have some budding musicians in our class!

Thursday 29th February

In our R.E lesson this afternoon, we read the 4 Gospel accounts of Jesus’ trial in front of Pontius Pilate: Matthew 27:1-26, Luke 23:1-25, Mark 15:1-15 and John 18:28-40 and 19:1-22. We gathered evidence for and against Jesus having a fair trial.

We then split into groups to create a debate for the rest of the class to watch.

Looking at the evidence and listening to each group’s debate, do you think Jesus had a fair trial or not?

Friday 2nd February

 In P.E for gymnastics, we have been working on creating a sequence of point and patch balances with various rolls too. Here are 4 groups performing for the class:

Friday 26th January

 Here is our superstar swimmer, Harvey! In his last competition he absolutely blew everyone else out of the water and managed to win all these 5 medals: 3 golds, 2 silvers and a bronze. We know that he is going to go on to win many more in the future and maybe even be a name to watch for international competitions. Well done, we are all immensely proud! 

Friday 19th January

 This afternoon in P.E, we created a sequence with 4 balances: 2 point balances and 2 patch balances. We worked in teams and supported each other to perform these sequences to the rest of the class. 

Wednesday 17th January

In our lesson today, we did a carousel of activities to help us further understand the phrase ‘Bread of Life’. We created bread-clay crosses, a recipe and stand for Jesus and a Bread of Life mini booklet. We really enjoyed doing something creative and different!

Thursday 11th January

In our R.E lesson today, we took part in some active learning in the hall to help us get to know the Bible reading John 6: 25-58. Our activity helped us to understand the scripture and to further our understanding of Jesus being ‘The Bread of Life’.

Monday 8th January

We kicked of the new term with a spark! Year 6 began our new science topic - electricity- by exploring circuits. Some of us got very adventurous and joined our circuits together to create a huge flow of energy. 

Thursday 14th December

 This afternoon, we created these images to represent the Incarnation. We thought of many signs and symbols that we could have included such as: a star, an angel, baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph, a stable, the wise men, shepherds, animals, a dove, the Holy Trinity, an Advent wreath, flames (Holy Spirit) and a halo. We then created our own stars of Bethlehem.

Thursday 7th December

 In R.E, this week, we have created these gorgeous Advent wreaths. We thought about how each one of us can make a difference using our hands to spread joy and happiness at this special time of year: giving hugs, shaking hands, holding doors open for each other, helping each other etc. We used our handprints to create the greenery and then we thought about each candle on the wreath and what it represents for us. We labelled each one and wrote about the ways in which we can show hope, love, joy and peace over Christmastime.

Wednesday 6th December: Careers and Aspirations Week

 This morning, our visitor was Keith Manders an ex-policeman and bodyguard. He had many fascinating stories to tell from his career as a policeman and police Sergeant. He also told us a couple of interesting facts and secrets about Number 10 Downing Street and the Royal family. He had been invited by the Queen to a dinner at Buckingham Palace, met King Charles, Princes William and Harry and Princess Diana too.

WC 4th December : Careers and Aspirations Week

 Today, our visitor was firefighter Dunn. She told us what the role of a firefighter is and all her responsibilities. She works closely with the ambulance service to help when needed for First Aid support, help the police force for rescue support and of course attend fires and various rescues as well as safety and fitness training! She inspired a couple of us to be a firefighter when we grow up!

Monday 4th December

They're finally here... the Herd Farm photographs! What a fun couple of days we had. Plenty of rain, plenty of mud, plenty of laughs and plenty of memories. Enjoy scrolling.

Saturday 2nd December

 The Year 6 children, who have had 100% attendance for the first half term, were offered the chance to visit City Varieties to see the pantomime Robin Hood. It was such fun! We had lots of laughs and even a dance at the end!

Friday 1st December

 What a frosty and freezing P.E lesson on the Muga! We all kept warm (including the teachers) by running round playing football and having an intense and competitive dodgeball game! 

Wednesday 22nd November

 It was wonderful to see so many of you there to support us at our assembly all about Herd Farm this morning.

The Powerpoint shown in assembly and other photos from our residential will be available shortly.

Tuesday 21st November

Here is our Herd Farm display that Mrs McHale created. You can see our diary booklets of what we did each day on our residential and also many photographs of the fun times we had. 

We look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow morning for our assembly where we will tell you much more about Herd Farm!

Friday 17th Nopvember

 Well done all of Year 6! You are all our stars of the week this week for your team work, perseverance and determination to go beyond your comfort zone. You have tried all the amazing, daring activities at Herd Farm and your teachers are very proud of you.

A special mention for Harvey and Lexi too.....they have achieved these amazing medals for their swimming. Well done, guys!

Tuesday 7th November

 This afternoon, we started our new topic in R.E which is Justice. We had lots of discussions and thought about real-life situations where justices or injustices had happened. Sometimes we had differing opinions but we were really good at justifying why we thought the way we did.

Thursday 26th October

This afternoon, we were introduced to our buddies in Reception. We had a lovely time getting to know them, reading stories in the library, colouring Halloween pumpkins and exploring the number 3. Some of us still remember the buddies that we had when we were in Reception so we know we will be special people in the young children's lives and be remembered for a long time.

Monday 16th October 2023

D-Side Hazel came in to visit us today to talk to us about internet safety - turns out we already knew a lot. We gave some good advice to younger children about staying safe online and watching some videos about the dangers of speaking to strangers. 

Wednesday 4th October

 Two of our amazing pupils led the whole school Wednesday Word Worship this morning. Well done, Samuele and Maddie!

Wednesday 27th September

 We had a taster morning at Mount St Mary's. When we arrived, we went straight to the design and technology department where Miss Ahmed taught us some sewing stitches. We created some cute finger puppets using a 'running' stitch and then decorated them with scraps and off-cuts of material. Some even had bow ties and superhero capes! From there, we headed to the languages department. We had time for a drink and snack before Mrs Foster taught us some Spanish. Finally, we ended up in the R.E department with Mr Stuart-Collins where we created a church in only 30 minutes!

Here are some photos of our fun morning:

Thursday 21st September

 This morning, we had a visitor called Martin from the Rivers and Canals Trust, who came to speak to us about keeping safe around water. He told us that we should always remember to:

Stay Away From the Edge

 which spells safe! He also told us to never, ever get into the water to try to save anyone or anything from drowning. Instead, we should throw in bottles or footballs which they should put underneath their chins to keep their heads above the water. We should phone 999. If there is anything like branches or the life ring we should throw that in to keep them alive until the emergency services arrive.

Tuesday 19th September

In our R.E lesson this afternoon, we were practising using the Bible to find various parables of Jesus. We brought in a bit of active learning to do this. Our Bibles were in the small classroom and we had to find the first parable in the Bible, remember the reference and then write it into our books in the main classroom. We did this for the 7 parables we were focussing on. We then thought about why Jesus told each one and which of our virtues is promoted by Jesus' story.

Monday 18th September

In history we have been learning all about the Mayans. This week, we have learnt how the mayans communicated - through hieroglyphs. We wrote our names using the Mayan alphabet code.