Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Holy Family Catholic Primary School

To work, to pray, to play in the Light of the Lord

  1. Year Group Pages
  2. Nursery


Welcome to Nursery with Mrs Walsh, Miss Daly, Miss Fryer and Mrs Gibbons


Half Term 1:


We had a lot of fun exploring pumpkins.  Some of us felt the seeds and noticed they were slimy, some of us said the pumpkin smelt nice!                                                                                                                                                                

Yoga time:

It was so wet the other day that we couldn't even begin to go outside!  We really wanted to move our bodies so we did some yoga.

A fun run with Year 6:

We took part in a special charity run to show support for MND.  We ran 3 laps of the school grounds with our friends in Nursery and Year 6.  We were exhausted after and had to have snack straight away!


We made some pictures using shapes after reading our new book!



We played a game where we had to listen to different animal sounds.  We had to use our listening ears really carefully.



We read the story of Creation today in R.E. and we thought about all of the amazing animals that God made.  We said 'thank you' to God for the animals and shared our favourite.  We then painted a picture to stick up on our display board.


Music Time:

We loved playing with the musical instruments.  We worked on starting and stopping at the same time.



We started our Phase 1 Phonics work today by going on a listening walk.  We walked all over school using our listening ears.  We heard loud bangs when doors closed, quiet chatting in the corridor and noisy cars next to the road.


Story Time:

We have started reading our new book called 'Super Duper You!.  We looked in a mirror to identify features of our face and then tried to draw them.  We noticed how we all look different and that makes us super!


We are having lots of fun settling into Nursery!  We love to play and read stories and have been trying to chat to our friends.  We like to start the day by singing lots of songs and have been drawing pictures of ourselves.