Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Holy Family Catholic Primary School

To work, to pray, to play in the Light of the Lord

  1. Year Group Pages
  2. Year 3

 Year 3 

Welcome to Year 3 with Mr Mason,  Miss Charlesworth and Mrs Angstmann.  Mrs Merdani also works in our class.

2.7.2024- Magna

 What a great day at Magna! We explored the 4 areas of Earth, Fire, Air and Water. Can you guess which one was our favourite?

22.05.2024- Basketball 

Today, year 3 were lucky enough to have 2 experienced basketball coaches come to teach us all about basketball. We looked at the technique and how to move the ball correctly.Year 3 had lots of fun!

07.05,2024- D-side Dave

Today D-side Dave came to visit year 3 to talk about the dangers and affects of smoking. We learnt how smoking can affect our bodies, and we explored the laws of smoking.D-side Dave brought in some stuff that can be used inside of a cigarette to show us the dangers.

29.04.2024 RE- Doubting Thomas 

In RE, the children looked at retelling the story of Doubting Thomas. We looked at the key events of the story, the children then retold the story of Doubting Thomas by creating freeze frames for each part of the story.

24.03.2024-28.03.2024 Easter Activities 

In Year 3, they did lots of Easter activities. They created their own Easter baskets to be filled with chocolate, did some fun games such as bingo, colouring activities and created their own hanging decorations. The children also took part in a Easter egg hunt, they had lots of fun.

22.03.2024 Other Faiths 

In year 3, the children have been learning all about Ramadan. They learnt lots of interesting facts all about Ramadan.Year 3 then created posters with lots of facts and pictures about the Islamic faith, they also created pictures drawing Mosques, which year 3 also learned about. 

World Book Day! 

Year 3 had lots of fun on World Book Day. The children created their own book covers, played lots of games like guess who and wrote about why they dressed up as the character they came to school in. We even had a story read to us by Wolf Boy (Mr Strong) and Mrs Tickle (Mrs Rees).

06.03.2024 Science- Magnets and Forces

This term in science the children have been looking at magnets and forces.We looked at how different things move on different surfaces, we learnt about the different forces and to understand the function of a magnet. 

20.02.2024 Geography- The Equator 

In Geography, we started our topic of North and South, by learning about the equator and the divide between the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. We discussed how countries on the equator are hot all year round,The children then worked  in teams to locate countries that were on the Equator and countries that were not on the Equator.

08.02.2024 English- Synonyms for said 

In English, year 3 have been looking at different synonyms for the word said, to help improve their English work. The children worked in groups to go around the classroom to find different ways to say said, to include them in their writing.

7.02.2024 Year 3 assembly- Chinese New Year 

In Year 3, we performed an assembly all about Chinese New Year. The children had so much fun retelling the story of Nian and how people celebrate Chinese New Year.  Year 3 then performed a song with lots of dancing. The children had lots of fun!

06.02.2024 RE- How does God’s word grow in me?

In Re, the year 3 children was exploring how they can become closer to God, and how does Gods word grow within them. The children then went to the prayer garden to pray and speak to God.

6.02.2024 Internet Safety Day 

In year 3, we learnt about all the ways we can stay safe online. Year 3 watched a video of a lady explaining how she got scammed online and the signs to look for when we are online. The children worked in pairs to create there own fake scam advert.

25.01.2024 PE this term

This term in Pe, Year 3 have been doing lots of team building games and learning team skills with Jermaine from Leeds Rhinos. Year 3 have so much fun doing these games in Pe!


22.01.2024 Music with Miss Lee 

In music with Miss Lee, Year 3 have been learning more about chime bars and how to play them. The children used something called ‘The Body Song’ to help and encourage them with playing the chime bars. The children will be making their own ‘Body Song’ in music in the next couple of weeks.


9.01.2024 RE- The Story of the Presentation 

In Re, the children have been learning about the Presentation.We discussed what Simeon said about Jesus in the temple and made links to scriptures.The year 3 children then created and decorated candles in all the ways we can shine our light the same way Jesus did.


9.01.2024 Maths- Dividing by 8 

In Maths, Year 3 has been learning about division and how to divide by different numbers. Today, the children were dividing by the number 8, the children worked in groups, using counters to learn how to divide numbers by 8. They made sure they had equal groups of 8 to get the correct answers to the sums.


8.12.2023 Pantomime 

This afternoon, year 3 went on a little trip out to the pantomime. We watched a performance about Robin Hood. They really enjoyed there afternoon, they had popcorn, chocolate and juice, whilst watching the performance. Year 3 had so much fun!


6.12.2023  Science - Light

In today's lesson we explored how shadow shapes and sizes change. We predicted what would happen if we move the object towards/away from the light source and recorded  the size of the shadow when we moved the object
towards or away from the screen.

5.12.2023 English- A Sweet Shop 

As part of our English topic, Year 3 have been exploring ‘ The Big Book of the UK’, which tell us facts all about the UK. Today, we investigated the page 'all about sweets'. The children got to taste test some famous sweets and chocolates that were made in UK. Year 3 then wrote descriptions about the look, taste, touch, smell and sound of each sweet they tried 

4.12.2023- Decoration Day 

Today the children in year 3 took part in decoration day! The children spent their day creating baubles and decorations for the Christmas tree, creating a snowman, creating beads and making wreaths to take home. They really enjoyed putting up the Christmas tree in our classroom. Year 3 had such a fun day!

1.12.2023 Geography- The UK 

This term in Geography, Year 3 have been exploring the counties of Yorkshire and Lancashire. Year 3 learnt where Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland are on a map, whilst also being able to identify where Yorkshire and Leeds are on a map. In todays lesson, year 3 built an understanding on what human features of Yorkshire are and what physical features of Yorkshire are. 

30.11.2023 PE- Rounders 

 In Year 3, we have been learning how to play rounders during PE. The children have been exploring the rules of rounders and what we need to do to play a game and collaborate as a team. Year 3 have been having lots of fun learning something new.


22.11.2023  Science - Light

In today's lesson we carried out a number of different activities to investigate how light reflects
off a mirror. We noticed that light is reflected from surfaces  and mirrors are very good reflectors of light.


7.11.2023 RE - Remembrance Day  

In RE, Year 3 explored the importance of Remembrance Day and why we remember in November. We discussed how people sacrificed their lives for us and how Jesus also sacrificed his life for us. We then created some artwork, using a potato to make our own field of poppies and wrote prayer cards to show how we remember.

25.10.2023- History trip to the Stone Age 

Today, we went on a school trip to Herd Farm. We sat around the fire listening to Ian telling us how the Stone Age people used tools to build houses,hunt animals for food and lots of other interesting facts. We got to pretend we were living in the Stone Age by throwing spears. We had lots of fun on our school trip.

20.10.2023 RE- The Rosary 

In RE, Year 3 learned about praying the Rosary. We explored what the Rosary is, who is Mary and why Mary is important. We discussed the meaning of Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be, before using beads and pipe cleaners to make a Rosary of our own.

9.10.2023 Maths - Subtraction 

Today in Maths, Year 3 have been looking at subtraction. We learnt how to subtract 3 digit numbers from 3 digit numbers. We used column method to help us find the answers and to help us with our learning. 


6.10.2023 RE - Looking at scriptures 

In todays RE lesson, we explored how scripture can help us to live our lives. The children discussed how they have shared their light with others this week. We then focused on three different scriptures from the Bible, and wrote down why they scriptures are important and what the scriptures mean to us. 

5.10.2023 Art - Botanical drawings

In Art today, we have been exploring botanical drawings. We went outside capturing all things natural, such as plants, trees, and flowers. The children used their shading techniques they have learned in year 3 to create amazing art work.

4.10.2023 Guided Reading - Synonyms  

In guided reading, the children have been exploring a thesaurus and how to use one. We have looked at what a synonym is, the children gained a great understanding and knowledge of a synonym. We learned how we can change our writing using a synonym to improve our writing. 


2.10.2023 Music 

In Music with Miss Lee, we are gaining an understanding about Ostinatio, and what Ostinatio means. We have been learning the song ‘We will rock you’, changing it to fit into our English topic ‘Stone Age Boy’.

28.09.2023 Art - Still life drawings

In Art we have been exploring still life drawing. Today, we explored how to add texture to our art work using a technique called frottage. 


25.9.2023 Science - Investigating different types of soils

In today's Science lesson, we had so much fun investigating lots of different types of soils. We learnt about how soil is made and why it is important. We investigated that soil can be soft, hard, crumbly, crunchy, chalky, sticky, sandy and stoney.


20.09.2023 - History   Cave Art

In History ,we have been learning about Stone Age .Today, we travelled back in time and become stone age people for the afternoon. We discussed that cave art is so important because it tells us how people lived years ago. We discussed the images that have been found in caves and how different tribes would communicate with each other when they moved around.

18.09.2023     Science - Rock Detectives   

Today we have been rock detectives by comparing and grouping rocks based on their appearance .We learnt that rocks have different textures and look very different. They can be dull or shiny, rough or smooth, crumbly or flaky. We discussed that some rocks can be permeable and impermeable. Mrs Merdani was very impressed.

11.09.2023 - Maths

Today in Maths we were working in groups to order and compare 3 digit numbers. We used our place value knowledge and excellent team work to place numbers in order from smallest to largest. 


11.09.2023 - French

We are very excited to be learning French this year.

In today lesson we have been learning all about France and the French speaking world. We used atlas to locate France on a world map and labelled some cities on a French map.

08.09.2023 - Guided reading - Making predictions 

In English, we have been exploring the text 'Stone Age Boy'. In today's Guided Reading lesson, we made predictions about different extracts of the text by drawing pictures of our interpretations of the text. We imagined we were peering through a key-hole into the world of 'Stone Age Boy'. 


06.09.2023 History -Timeline

In our lesson today ,we were talking about prehistory and what that means .We also began learning about the Stone Age to the Iron Age and where we would place these events in history on a timeline.

5.10.23- Maths

In Maths we have been learning about place value and number. We have been able to recognise the value of each digit in two and three digit numbers. We used base 10 and dice to help us with our learning.