Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Holy Family Catholic Primary School

To work, to pray, to play in the Light of the Lord

  1. Year Group Pages
  2. Year 5

Welcome to our Year 5 Class Page!

We can't wait to show you all the amazing things we are learning about this year. We hope that you visit us regularly to keep up to date with all the fun we are having in our class.

Mr. Owen, Mrs. Merdani and Mrs. McHale 


Wednesday 21st May - Basketball Coaching

Today Year 5 worked with local sports coaches to better our basketball skills! We worked on our sportsmanship, dribbling and control skills throughout the day. congratulations to those pupils who were chosen for their great perseverance and skill to receive special prizes! 

Wednesday 27th March - Easter Egg Hunt 

Thank you to our amazing PTA who organised an Easter Egg Hunt today. We all had a fabulous time searching for clues and helping our Year 1 buddies. 

Thursday 21st March - Other Faiths (Buddhism)

Today we learnt about the special Buddhist festival Wesak. We learnt that Wesak celebrates the birthday of the Buddha and that people in different countries celebrate in different ways. A special event called ‘Bathing the Buddha’ happens where water is poured over a statue of the Buddha, which helps people think about being kind and generous. In our groups, we created posters all about the information we had learnt.

Tuesday 19th March - RSHE

In our session, we built on our existing knowledge of drugs, alcohol and tobacco. We learnt that consuming these substances is harmful for our bodies, can impact on our lifestyle and inhibit the body’s natural functions. We studied two case studies and discussed what they were doing to impact on their lifestyle, and we could improve their lifestyle by making the right choices.

Friday 15th March - RE Forgiveness

We have been thinking about whether forgiveness is easy or difficult. We know that the Bible teaches us so much about God's love and forgiveness and we know that He will always be there for us when we are ready to make a change. 

We used Bibles to reflect on pieces of scripture then created our own image of what forgiveness looks and feels like to us. 

Tuesday 12th March - Science Week 

Today we had the Science Boffins in school for a special workshop. In Year 5, we made our very own ice cream!

Monday 11th March - Science Experiment

Today we were investigating water resistance. We used modelling to create different shapes and then dropped each shape into water to see how long they took to fall to the bottom. 

Thursday 7th March - World Book Day 

We had an amazing day dressed up as our favourite characters from books. 

Friday 1st March - Ancient Egyptian Inspiration Day

We have had such a fun day travelling back in time to the Ancient Egyptian Civilisation!

Throughout the day, we took part in lots of different activities.

Check out the pictures and video below. 

Monday 26th February - Retelling the Parable of the Lost Son 

We retold the Parable of the Lost Son in groups and spoke about the important of the story. We discussed how sometimes in life we become lost, but we know that God always loves us. He forgives us for the mistakes we make because forgiveness is a gift.

Friday 23rd February - Lenten Images

We discussed what Lent means to us and what images, words and phrases come to our mind when we think about the word Lent. We then created our own images of Lent and talked about why we had chosen to include symbols within our image. 

Friday 23rd February - French at home 

Betty has been doing some extra French work at home this week. Mrs Merdani was very impressed!

Wednesday 21st February - History 

Today we were researching three of the earliest civilisations in history: The Ancient Sumer, Indus Valley and The Shang Dynasty. We made information posters as groups and presented the information we had learnt to the rest of the class. 

Monday 19th February - Science 

Today we were investigating the force of gravity. We tested the question 'Do all objects fall at the same rate'. Stay tuned to find the conclusions of our investigations. 

Friday 9th February - Ukulele 

We love learning how to play different songs on the ukulele with Mr Rowe. 

Tuesday 6th February - Internet Safety Day 

 We worked together in groups to highlight the importance of staying safe online. 

Check out the videos below for some top tips on how to be safe when on the internet!

Friday 26th January - RSHE

Today Holly and Georgia came in to talk to us about 'Puberty and Body Image'. We began the afternoon by splitting into boys and girls. This is when we learnt about how our bodies are going to change as we experience puberty and how these changes are completely normal. We then came back together to discuss body image and what influences our opinions of our bodies. We learnt that we should celebrate the things that make us different and not feel the pressure to fit in. We should value and respect our appearance and our personality. 

Friday 26th January - Ukulele 

We love our Ukulele lessons with Mr Rowe. Today we were learning about the strings to play 'Happy Birthday'. 

Friday 19th January - Other Faiths Buddhism

Today we learnt about places which are special for Buddhists. We discussed how Buddhists worship in temples and how their worship is called Puja. We learnt that during Puja, Buddhists make offerings of flowers, incense, candles and pure water to thank Buddha for his teachings. We also learnt that when Buddhists worship alone, they usually meditate and empty their minds.

Tuesday 12th December - Christmas Explorers Treasure Hunt 

Today we went on a Christmas Treasure Hunt organised by New Wortley Community Centre. We had an amazing time using maps and searching for the Christmas images. We were even lucky enough have hot chocolate and some chocolate treats afterwards. 

Thank you to the amazing ladies who organised it! 

Friday 8th December - Religious Education 

Today we were thinking about God's choice of people. We focused on three prophets we have been learning about and why we believe God chose them for special jobs. 

Thursday 7th December - Ballet 

We had an amazing time watching 'The Nutcracker' at Leeds Grand Theatre. It was so good to see some of the skills we have been learning in our sessions with Dagmar and Jonathan. 

Wednesday 6th December - Aspirations Week

We had some more special visitors in Year 5 today to tell us all about the different jobs they do. 

We began the day with Policeman Keith and Julie. Keith told us about how he worked for Royalty and Specialist Protection and would often look after Princess Diana and King Charles when they visited Yorkshire, many years ago. 

We were so lucky because Mr Waddingham came back to see us and talk about his new job at Bradford City. It was great to see him and learn about the different roles he has and how passionate he is about his job!

We were then lucky enough to have Luke the Lawyer come and visit us. He told us about how you might need a lawyer if you are buying a house or if something serious happens and you need some advice on the law. 

Tuesday 5th December - Aspirations Week 

Today, Firefighter Dunn came in to speak to us about all the fantastic things she does in her job. She spoke about how firefighters don't just put out fires they do lots of other important jobs. 

Tuesday 5th December - DT - Stuffed Toy

We created a 3D stuffed toy from a 2D design.

During our lessons we measured, marked and cut fabric accurately. We used decorative stitching to decorate the front of our stuffed toy and blanket stitch to assemble the toy repairing when needed.



Friday 1st December - Advent Art 

Today, we spent time thinking about what Advent means to us. We created pieces of art work to reflect our opinions of why Advent is important to us. 

Tuesday 28th November - Thwaite Mills 

We visited Thwaite Mill to learn more about World War 2. 

Take a look at the amazing activities we did!

Wednesday 15th November - Ballet 

In our lesson, we were exploring the theme of magic and discussing what our individual superpowers may be. We took on the role of Merlin and had to decide how we would activate our powers.

Wednesday 15th November - History 

In our lesson, we were placing significant events during World War 2 on a timeline. This included the D-Day Landings. We spoke about the importance of this day and how it was a turning point during the war.

Thursday 9th November - Remembrance Day

In our lesson, we talked about Remembrance Day in French .We learned that France adopted the cornflower - Bleuet de France - to commemorate Amnesty Day. We made our own 'Bleuet' and read a poem in French called 'Our flower of remembrance'.

Thursday 26th October - School Council 

Today we elected our new Class Councillors.

Meet Ariam and Daniel

Friday 20th October - Religious Education 

Before our RE lesson, we prayed a decade of the Rosary together. We loved praying the Rosary together and reflecting on the birth and life of Jesus. 

Ariam - "I always feel really calm"

Phares - "When I closed my eyes, I felt really close to Jesus and Mary when I was praying"

Holly - "I felt like Jesus was beside my while I was praying"

Friday 20th October - Music 

We love our ukulele sessions with Mr Rowe. 


Monday 16th October - D-Side 

Today Hazel from D-Side came to visit us! She taught us all about how we can stay safe online and what games are age appropriate for us to play.

12th October - Magna Science Museum 

We visited Magna Science Museum and learnt so much about the 4 elements. We were lucky enough to watch a 'materials show' and some of us even got involved with the experiments!

11th October - Rise Ballet Project

Dagmar has been teaching us to use our bodies to display different emotions. Today we became some of the characters from Peter Pan and were using our bodies to show what 'being proud' looks like. 

4th October - Science 

Today, we have been testing materials to see whether they are soluble or insoluble. We had lots of fun!

29th September - Other Faiths 

This year we will be learning all about Buddhism.

Today we learnt about how Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama (The Buddha). In small groups, we acted out the story of how Siddhartha Gautama began to meditate and teach people how to lead good lives and do good deeds for others. 

27th September -Religious Education 

Today we discussed why God created the beautiful earth for us. We learnt that it is our job to be stewards of creation and to be a co-creator by protecting and enjoying the wonderful world God has given us! 

27th September - Mount St Mary’s 

We had an amazing taster day at Mount St Mary's today! 

We took part in different lessons: Design Technology, Music and Science. We learnt so much and can't wait until we go to high school!

21st September - Water Safety 

Today, Martin came in to teach us how to stay safe around the water. We learnt 'Stay Away From the Edge' and what to do if we are struggling in the water. 

26th September - French 

Today was the European Day of Languages. Have a look at the amazing posters we created!

25th September - Geography 

We have been identify the physical features found in the Lake District as we will be visiting Keswick in the Spring Term. Check out our fantastic posters that we created. 

21st September - Physical Education 

We had our weekly session with the Leeds Rhinos. We learnt lots of new skills with Jermaine. 

20th September - Religious Education 

Today we retold the story of The Fall. We learnt that Adam and Eve were given the gift of freedom and they chose to betray God's trust by making the wrong choice. 

20th September - Science 

Today we were comparing the properties of different materials. We were testing whether materials were: magnetic, flexible, permeable, hard or transparent. 

18th September - Geography 

We used atlas' and topographical maps to locate the mountainous regions of the United Kingdom.

14th September - Religious Education

We made a Creation Wheel to remind us of the story of Creation from the book of Genesis. 

We also spoke about what the story of Creation teaches us about: God, His world and human beings. 

5th September - Geography 

Today we used an Atlas and digital maps to locate continents and countries in our world.