Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Holy Family Catholic Primary School

To work, to pray, to play in the Light of the Lord

  1. Year Group Pages
  2. Year 4

 Welcome to Year 4

We are looking forward to showing you all that we do this year and hope that you visit us regularly to keep up to date with all the fun we are having in our class.

Mrs Archdale and Miss Wharton.


Religious Education 

Tuesday 9th July 

Today we were researching saints and describing how they lived their lives. Check out our posters below!

Sports Day 

Friday 5th July 

We had an amazing time on sports day! We loved that we got the chance to do all the activities. Thank you Mr. Mason for organizing a great day!

Irish Culture Workshops

Wednesday 3rd July 

Today we were lucky enough to take part in a dance workshop.

English - Biography 

Tuesday 2nd July 

Today we were sorting facts about Howard Carter under different subheadings. We had to work in groups to decide where each fact would go. 

Art and Design - Fabric of Nature

Friday 28th June

Inspired by the rainforest and the work of William Morris, we created mood boards and went on to produce these lovely patterns and designs.

Collective Worship 

Friday 14th June 

We have participated in some beautiful and though-provoking class worships this week all abut love.

Brownlee Triathlon 

Friday 24th May

We had an amazing time at the Brownlee Triathlon. We were so lucky because we even got to meet Alistair Brownlee!!

P.E. - Tennis

Monday 20th May

In our PE lessons this term we have been very lucky to have a tennis coach teaching us lots of new skills. We have been developing our throwing and catching skills and practicing a forehand and backhand racket position. We know how to position ourselves ready for the ball. We are also having lots of fun!

Rainforest Day 

Monday 20th May 

We had a fabulous day immersing ourselves into our rainforest theme. We made paper plate animals, took part in quizzes and even visited the Rainforest Cafe. We had to create our own Mocktails in groups and tasted them!

D-Side Dave - Effects of Alcohol 

Tuesday 7th May 

We always love when D-Side Dave comes in to visit us! He came in today to talk to us about alcohol and the effect it can have on the body. We also discussed the laws about alcohol in the UK. Dave had some special glasses for us to try on so we could see how alcohol can affect your vision. 

Religious Education - Pentecost 

Tuesday 30th April 

In our lesson today, we were thinking about how the Church was born on the day of Pentecost. We were discussing how the disciples were feeling before Pentecost and after. We worked in small groups to create an image for our part of the story and explain how the disciples were feeling in that part. 

Design and Technology - Structures

Friday 26th April

We explored different frame structures to test which are the most stable using toothpicks and plasticine. We then used our knowledge to design a pavilion structure suitable for a rainforest explorer. We built our structure using a range of materials. We are very proud of our rainforest pavilions! 

Religious Education 

Tuesday 16th April 

In our RE lesson, we wanted to find out more about why Peter was made the first leader of the church. We used different pieces of scripture and had to say what each piece of scripture told us about Peter and his behaviour. Then, we had to decide whether this was a strength or a weakness of his character. 

Science Week

Tuesday 12th March

We were very lucky to have Katya from Science Boffins in school to help us celebrate science week. She showed us lots of amazing experiments! In class we made paper butterflies that flutter when the elastic band is stretched.

World Book Day

Thursday 7th March

We celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as our favourite book characters and took part in lots of fun activities including a treasure hunt!

Rock Steady Music School

Wednesday 5th March

Will from Rock Steady Music School came to visit us this morning and we were lucky enought to create our own band, 'The Incredible Orange Whales!' We had lots of fun learning about different instuments and rocking out to the music!

Geography - Exploring Europe

Friday 1st March

We have been identifying human and physical features found within Europe. We used atlases and the internet to research five physical features found throughout Europe and created these amazing posters. 

Skipping Festival

Wednesday 28th February

After lots of hard work practising our skips, it was finally time for the Year 4 Skipping Festival at Mount Saint Mary's High School. We were a little nervous to begin with but we were amazing and came away feeling very proud of ourselves. 

History - Ancient Greece
Wednesday 7th February 

We have been identifying Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses using photos of ancient vases. We looked for symbols and special objects and then created our own versions of them. Can you guess which famous ones we painted? 

Elland Road Stadium Tour

Tuesday 6th February

Elland Road Stadium welcomed Year 4 today for an amazing tour! We were lucky enough to go pitch side and into the tunnel as well as having access to the media suite and changing rooms. We ended our tour by making delicious, healthy wraps.

Internet Safety Workshop

Tuesday 6th February

Today we took part in an internet safety workshop. We learnt lots on how to stay safe online!

P.E. - Skipping

Monday 5th February

This half term we have been practising our skipping ready for the festival that we will be taking part in next half term. We are having fun learning new skips such as the side swing and the pretzel! 

Science - Electricity

Friday 2nd February

We made simple series circuits to see if we could light a bulb and drew labelled diagrams to record what we did. We modelled the flow of electricity through a circuit using balls as electrons. We are excited to be making our own switches in our following lessons!

LUFC Healthy schools

Tuesday 23rd January

We have been learning about how to lead a healthy lifestyle with Tom, a coach from Leeds United. This week we had fun practising our ball skills. 

Guided Reading

We have been practising our fluency and expression in reading this year and we’ve really enjoyed it! Please enjoy our class book.

Explorer Christmas Treasure Hunt
Tuesday 12th December

Today we took part in a Christmas Treasure Hunt around Jailey Field. We had a great time using the treasure maps to find the Christmas markers. Once all the markers were found, we we given gifts and enjoyed delicious hot chocolate and muffins. Thank you so much to New Wortley Community Centre for kindly organising it! 

P.E - Dance

Monday 27th November

We have been having fun in PE, learning to perform dances based on our science topic 'States of Matter.' We can make shapes on the spot like solids, move around a small space in a fluid way like liquids and move freely around the room like gases. 

Our Class Assembly

From our lessons about the Bible we noticed that there were lots of parables in St. Luke's Gospel. As it was his feast day on the 18th October we created an assembly to show how important St. Luke was.


Guided Reading

Today we worked on our fluency skills and read to each other. I was really impressed with how focussed the children were and that many of them are really thinking about how to use expression in our class reader.


Monday 2nd October

The focus of learning in P.E this term is tag rugby. We are having fun develoing our passing and moving skills to create space to beat an opponent and score a try.


Friday 29th September

In science, we are learning about the digestive system. We enjoyed working together to put the different parts of the digestive system in order.


Wednesday 27th September

As part of our history topic on Vikings, we used different historical sources to research what they were like.


We learned how to use inverted commas today and used a thesaurus to find different words for ‘said’. The minions helped a lot!

Music with Mr Rowe

We had our first ukulele lesson today. Mr Rowe taught us about the instrument and all its parts then we got to 'Rock out'. 

Catholic Life

Our class virtue is Faith and we learnt today about the importance of Faith and our trust in God. We thought about when we sit in our chairs we believe that they will support our weight and don't think twice about sitting on them. Like our Faith in God, we must always believe that he is there to support and guide us at all times. The children created a key ring to help remind them of our class virtue and designed a chair with words, phrases and symbols related to 'Faith'.