Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Holy Family Catholic Primary School

To work, to pray, to play in the Light of the Lord

  1. Year Group Pages
  2. Year 6
  3. Year 6 Catholic Life and Mission

Year 6 Catholic Life and Mission

Tuesday 16th July

 Year 6 celebrated their final Mass at Holy Family this evening. What a special occasion it was with lots of family members and friends, teachers and parishioners and governors too who all came to celebrate with us. Thank you to Fr Neil for leading our Mass and for supporting us through our journey of faith at Holy Family!   

Thursday 23rd May

 Anaise created this beautiful image after reading passages from the Bible last night. She was reading John's Gospel and this verse really spoke to her:

"Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life." John 8: 12-16

We said goodbye to Eastertide with Pentecost and welcomed Ordinary Time with green cloths on our class altars.

Thursday 9th May

 Thank you and well done to Maddie, Scarlett and Samuele who led our Feast of the Ascension liturgy for the whole school this morning. They did a great job at planning and delivering such a special worship for us all.

Wednesday 8th May

 This morning, we led Mass at church with Fr Neil. We looked after our buddies in Reception and showed them how responsible we are. We helped them to stand up and sit down in all the right places and when to join their hands for the prayers. Huge thank you to Benjamin, Maddie, Harvey, Kailah-Rae and Samuel who led us in our readings and prayers today:

Wednesday 1st May

 This morning, Year 2 invited us all to join in their worship assembly all about Mary, Our Mother. We processed into the hall, each with a flower or bunch of flowers before bowing our heads in front of our Mary statue which Fr Neil has lent us. We presented Mary with our flowers. 

Monday 8th April

Here are our Chaplaincy Team working their magic to make our class altars look great. The have now changed our cloths to yellow and white to celebrate Easter.

Wednesday 28th February

 We led Mass at Church this morning. We looked after our buddies in Reception as we walked there and back and we supported them with following the readings too. A special thank you to Miley, Nat K, David, Lexi and Benji for reading today.

Tuesday 20th February

We love our morning singing and hymn practise!

Here are a couple of our favourites: My Lighthouse and Father, I have Sinned (The Prodigal Son) 

We said goodbye to Advent, and welcomed ordinary time with a new altar!

Sunday 24th December

 What a special time of year made even more special by attending Mass on Christmas Eve. Many of our children across school helped to decorate the crib whilst retelling the Christmas story of the birth of Jesus. Thank you to Samuele, Amelie, Scarlett and Laura who read the scripture for the congregation.

Wednesday 13th December

 This morning, we attended Mass at Church with Year 3 to celebrate the Feast of Saint Lucy. Thank you to Samuele, Kamila and Serena who read the First Reading, the Responsorial Psalm and the Alleluia beautifully and clearly. Well done to Year 3 children who read the Bidding Prayers too.

Thursday 7th December

Today we visited our buddies in Reception and participated in worship together. It was all about forgiveness and how we can be more forgiving - just like Jesus - during the advent period. 

Sunday 3rd December

 Congratulations to Wikitoria who received her Confirmation from Father Neil at Mass this morning!

Advent Altars

Friday 1st December

 Our creative and crafty Wiktoria has made this incredible Christmas tree using pipe cleaners and cotton wool. She has added some mini lights too! We have added it to our class altar which is feeling festive for Advent with our purple cloth (which Elise and Emmanuella changed) and our Christingle made by Year 3.

Ashden is spreading joy every day with his wonderful pictures - he really is a shining example of living out God's mission. 

Thursday 30th November

 Our lovely Maddie and Serena have been spreading happiness and love around our classroom by making these lovely little crafts with special messages inside. Thank you, girls!

Saturday 25th November

 Congratulations to Scarlett who received her certificate of Confirmation from Fr Neil at Mass on Saturday! 

To our Confirmandi students: Please make sure you continue to attend Mass each week, especially now you have received such a special Sacrament. Fr Neil loves to see your faces there, continuing your religious journey.

Wednesday 22nd November 

A huge congratulations to: Kamila, Wiktoria, Saracen, Shay, Natalia, Samuele and Scarlett who celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation this evening at Christ the King church. They were lucky enough to have Bishop Marcus to conduct their Confirmation-another milestone on their journey of faith that they will take into their future lives. Thank you to everyone that supported the children during their preparations, particularly Miss Wharton and Miss Furlong (who read in front of the Bishop and the whole congregation) and thank you to their sponsors too. What a special evening!

Thursday 26th October

 This afternoon, our buddies showed us how they lay the altar ready for collective worship.

Friday 20th October 2023

 Gabriela has set up her own charity, selling homemade squishies, in order to raise money for our church and the church that she attends - she is living and breathing our mission! Keep spreading kindness, faith and service Gabby. 

Tuesday 17th October 2023

Introducing Ashden’s virtue snail…

Wednesday 11th October

Our class virtue is perseverance so we have designed and created these beautiful key rings to help us to always live out our mission to persevere, be determined, never give up and believe that we can do anything that we put our minds to. These will be kept on our pencil cases, bags and coat zips as a lovely constant reminder for us.

Wednesday 4th October

This morning, we joined the whole school in Wednesday Word Worship and two of our Year 6 students led it. Their worship was all about crops that are grown and harvest time. They read from the Gospel according to Mark, gave us reflection time and then asked us to go forth with the mission of collecting extra food (tins, packets etc) for our harvest collection for the homeless.

Tuesday 19th September

 Hymn practise this morning. Listen to our beautiful voices.

Friday 15th September

 Our door of perseverance!

Wednesday 13th September

 This morning, we led the whole school Mass at Holy Family Church. The theme of our Mass was "Shine the Light of Jesus" and we know we can do this by treating each other with respect and kindness. We read beautifully, prayed reverently and helped our Year 1 buddies follow the order of Mass.

Fr Neil welcomed the new pupils and staff at our school. Here we are shining the light of Jesus by looking after our buddies, celebrating Mass together and reading at the altar.

Mini Vinnie's enrolment

These children applied to represent our school as a Mini Vinnie. They took part in a little celebration with Father Neil. to welcome them into the role. 


Week commencing 11th September

This week, we began work on our class virtue: PERSEVERANCE! We thought about what a virtue is and what it means to persevere. We each designed and created a brick for our Wall of Perseverance which included an inspirational quote to help us keep going when we find things difficult.

We worked in pairs to unknot a length of wool to practice our perseverance skills. Some of us became frustrated but we DID NOT GIVE UP!

We created a wheel of perseverance which we could use when we feel like giving up. We can spin our wheel and choose one coping strategy to help us persevere such as: pray to God to ask for His help, stroke or cuddle a pet or teddy, think positively about all the hard things we have conquered and listen to calming music.

Thursday 13th July

 We supported the older generation of our Parish this afternoon by welcoming them into school for a tea party. There was sandwiches, cakes, buns and tea and coffee to enjoy. This get-together was accompanied by members of our school choir directed by Miss Gibbons. The whole afternoon was organised by Mrs Burrow and was a great success! Well done to all involved!

Monday 10th July

 Mission Day! What a lovely day filed with lots of exciting activities based around our mission statement of 'To work, to pray, to play in the Light of the Lord'.

Wednesday 24th May 

Three of our Mini Vinnies attended the cathedral in Leeds for the Good Shepherd Mass held by Bishop Marcus this morning. Year 4 were lucky enough to sing there too!

Wednesday 10th May

 We learnt some facts about Mother Teresa and thought about how her decisions and actions were informed by her beliefs. We worked in groups to create these freeze frames of both key events in her life and actions which show exactly how inspirational she was.


 May is the month of Mary so we have changed the cloth on our prayer tables to blue to honour Mary, Our Mother:

Maundy Thursday 6/4/23

 This morning, we had a Liturgy with Mr Biedka who retold the Bible story of when Jesus washed the feet of the disciples. We learnt that we must be servants to others just as Jesus showed us in His actions.

We have made some beautiful Easter cards which depict Jesus' crucifixion and rising again on Easter Sunday (shown by the promise of the new day with the sunrise).

This afternoon, we watched Years 3 and 4 perform Resurrection Rocks which retells Jesus' journey to the cross. 

Throughout March and April

An important part of our preparation for Easter, is to visit the Stations of the Cross which are images which remind us of the journey that Jesus took after he was sentenced to death. All the adults in school and children are invited to join us. We also take home the Lenten bag and change our prayer table cloths to purple.

Virtues Day: 3rd February 2023

 Today, we celebrated Virtues Day across school. Virtues are the desired behaviour which a person should demonstrate which are thought to be good/positive. We are class....


Perseverance is when you complete something or do something even when it is hard to do or when obstacles are in the way. We created poems and a graffiti wall of quotes to help us keep going when things are difficult.

One of our tasks was to create a short role play in teams which had the theme of perseverance. 

Epiphany 2023

 Our collaborative artwork: We each had a part of a HUGE picture depicting Epiphany. We coloured this in and then stuck it all together to create this amazing picture!

Friday 6th January 2023

This morning, we had a lovely Epiphany liturgy led by Year 4. The whole school processed passed the prayer garden where the choir were singing Star of Wonder. This helped us to imagine the journey that the Three Wise Men went on to visit the new-born King, baby Jesus. Then, we celebrated further by having an epiphany party with some food and games in the hall.

Wednesday 14th December 2022

This morning, we joined with Year 3 to attend Mass at church with Fr Neil. the Year 3 children were so brave to read at the lectern for the first time and they did a fantastic job! We were proud of them.

Wednesday 16th November 2022

 This morning, we headed down to Church with our buddies for Mass with Fr Neil. The Year 6 children read beautifully and our buddies were so well behaved : ) 

Sunday 13th November 2022 

Here are the children, who were recently Confirmed, receiving their certificates from Fr Neil at Mass this morning. Congratulations again, to you all!

Wednesday 9th November 2022

Huge congratulations to: Lena, Sophie, Tyler, Larna, Nathan, Jess, Verity, Tyrone, Chi and Barney who celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation. They were lucky enough to have Bishop Marcus to conduct their Confirmation into the Catholic Church-another milestone on their journey of faith that they will take into their future lives. Thank you to everyone that supported the children during their preparations (particularly Miss Wharton and Miss Furlong) and thank you to their sponsors too. What a special evening and one that we will all remember!

Our religious education displays